The minutes of the latest Executive Committee Meetings are below:
These are the terms of reference for the NDP Executive Committee
Terms of Reference
Hatfield Peverel Parish Council (“HPPC”)
Neighbourhood Development Plan Executive Committee (“the Committee”)
Reports to: Full Parish Council at monthly meetings
Authorised by Resolution in Minute 14/123 of meeting held on 1st December 2014
Authority to:
Organise itself in accordance with HPPC Standing Orders and/or form or dissolve such sub-committees and/or work groups as are deemed necessary or desirable by the Committee. For the purposes of illustration and not limitation these shall include:
- A Steering Group to apply for and spend funds not available to parish councils and oversee the detailed work to be carried out by Topic Working Groups
- Topic Working Groups
- Such other Groups as may from time to time be deemed necessary
Prepare the Hatfield Peverel Neighbourhood Development Plan (HPNDP) which for the purposes of illustration and not limitation shall include:
- Adherence to the statutory process for the production of such plans
- Overseeing the formal consultation on the draft plan
- Submitting plan and supporting documentation for examination
- Making modifications to the plan after examination
Carry out such tasks as are deemed necessary by the Committee to achieve this goal
Authorise such payments from HPPC funds as are necessary and have been included in the annual budget
Authorise payments from successful funding applications made in the name of HPPC and managed by the Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
Prepare applications for funding for HNDP activities that may be available to parish councils
Open a separate bank account for receipt and disbursement of funds to be received directly by the Steering Group when formed. Payment signatories to be three nominated members of the Steering Group any two of whom may jointly make payment of duly authorised sums. Sums shall be deemed to be duly authorised when
- One Steering Group member certifies that there is liability to pay the said sum under the terms of a contract between the Steering Group and supplier AND
- Another Steering Group member certifies that the services or goods have actually been received
No Steering Group member may sign in more than one capacity stated above
Make such contacts and communications on behalf of the Committee as are necessary
At their sole option any member of HPPC may be a member of the Committee and/or attend meetings and shall have the right to vote on any business. Members of the public with required skills and who are resident in the parish of Hatfield Peverel and Nounsley and/or owners of a business with premises in the parish of Hatfield Peverel and Nounsley may from time to time be co-opted by the Committee. Co-opted members shall not have the right to vote. Present membership is as follows:
Cllr Mike Renow (Chair)
Cllr Ted Munt (Vice Chair)
Cllr Diane Wallace (Communications and Liaison)
Stella Scrivener (co-opted), Helen Peter (co-opted), Margaret Freeman (co-opted), Mark East (co-opted)