
The Parish Council's Financial and Operational Risk Assessment can be viewed by clicking on the link.


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2023/24:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Sections 1, 2 and 3


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2022/23:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - Section 1

Accounting statement - Section 2

Internal Auditor Report

External Auditor Report - Section 3 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2021/22:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - Section 1

Accounting statement - Section 2

Internal Auditor Report

External Auditor Report - Section 3 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2020/21: 

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - Section 1

Accounting statement - Section 2

External Auditor Report - Section 3 

Internal Auditor Report

Notice of conclusion of audit


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2019/20:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - Section 1

Accounting statement - Section 2

External Auditor Report - Section 3 

Internal Auditor Report

Notice of conclusion of audit


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2018/19:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - section 1

Accounting statement - section 2

External Auditor Report - section 3 

Internal Auditor Report 

Notice of conclusion of audit 


Here are the statutory notices that a Parish Council needs to publish regarding the year 2017/18:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual governance statement - section 1

Accounting statement - section 2

External Auditor Report - section 3

Internal Auditor Report

Notice of conclusion of audit


The following links will show the financial information for the more recent years:

Financial year 2016/17