Please join us at this year's Community Information Event (formerly the Annual Parish Meeting) at the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st May - opening at 8pm with a welcome from the Parish Council Chairman, Councillor Mark Weale. You will be free to:
- Chat to representatives from the Parish and District Councils, local community groups, community policing team, Village Hall, local schools and more.
- Find out more about the village's history, footpaths, Neighbourhood Development Plan and the Parish Council's plans for this year and beyond.
The Village Hall cafe and bar will be open for you to purchase refreshments with nibbles provided.
Annual Parish Meeting 2024 Agenda
Parish Council:
The Annual Parish Report for 2023/24 can be read by clicking on the link.
The Annual Parish Report for 2022/23 can be read by clicking on the link.
The Annual Parish Report for 2021/22 can be read by clicking on the link.
The Annual Parish Report for 2020/21 can be read by clicking on the link.
The Annual Parish Report for 2019/20 can be read by clicking on the link.
The Annual Parish Report for 2018/19 can be read by clicking on the link.
Information on the Annual Parish Meeting
Annual Parish Meetings must take place between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive). Meetings should not commence before 6.00 pm.
Purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is so that the Parish Council can explain what it has been doing over the last year and it enables the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish.
Who can attend the meeting?
The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of all the local government electors for the Parish. It is NOT a meeting of the Parish Council, which the public can participate in. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of Hatfield Peverel Parish may speak and vote.
Will I be able to ask questions and make suggestions?
Yes, any registered elector may ask questions of the Council, which will usually be answered by the Chairperson, the Clerk to the Council, or a designated Councillor. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of Hatfield Peverel This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.
Who will chair the meeting?
The Chairperson of the Parish Council will chair the meeting. If the Chair is not able to attend, then the meeting will elect a chairperson from amongst those electors present.
Will Parish Councillors be there?
Usually they do attend and will speak if need be. However, the purpose of the meeting is to enable the ordinary electors to have their say. Councillors will listen with interest and as electors themselves, also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.