The Aims and Objectives of the Village Hall
The objectives of the charity are to maintain and manage the village hall for the benefit of all the inhabitants of Hatfield Peverel. The hall is to improve social welfare of the village by providing facilities for leisure and recreation. The aim is to improve the conditions of life for the inhabitants irrespective of race, colour, sex, political and religious leanings.
Provide a welcoming, friendly atmosphere
To treat people as individuals
Respect the needs, wishes and interests of Hall users and prospective users
Operate in a transparent manner
Aim to improve and offer opportunity to all sectors of the village
To provide a focus for the community:
Support and develop use of the hall by the community
Respond to local needs and support local initiatives
Involve the community in decision making regarding the hall where possible and appropriate
Involve the community in the running of the hall where possible and appropriate
Make the hall accessible to all
To ensure the material sustainability of the hall:
Provide a clean, safe community hall
Ensure adequate staffing of the hall, as required
Ensure efficient use of the building
Ensure security of the building
Ensure that the hall conforms to statutory regulations, including Fire, and Health and Safety regulations
Ensure that appropriate insurance policies are in place
To ensure the financial sustainability of the hall:
Maintain a prudent financial policy with the aim of being self-financing
Promote and encourage use of the hall by groups and organisations from outside the immediate area to supplement income.
Report back to the Sole Trustee on agreed metrics on performance and progress, plus a monthly report for issue to the parishioners of the village.