HATFIELD PEVEREL PARISH COUNCIL - Freedom of Information Act 2000
The following information is available for inspection on request from the Clerk to the Council. Please note that any request to the Clerk must be made in writing or by e-mail, and must include basic contact details. A reply will normally be made within 21 working days of receipt of the request.
Depending on the nature of the request, and the time involved, a charge for the time spent by the clerk may be made. If copies are required, these will be made by the Clerk and a cost of 20p per sheet will be made to cover costs. If these are to be posted, a charge to cover postage and package will be made.
1. Council Internal Practice and Procedure
Minutes of the council and working parties – limited to the last two years
Councils Annual Report to Parish Meeting – limited to the last three years
2. Code of Conduct
Members Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Members Register of Interests
Register of Members Interests Book
3. Periodic Electoral Review
This is information concerning the changes to the electoral arrangements for the parish council and alterations to the number of councillors to be elected to the council.
Information relating to the last Periodic Electoral Review of the council area
Information relating to the latest boundary review of the council area
4. Employment Practice and Procedure
Terms and conditions of employment
Job description
Exclusions – “personal records” i.e. appraisals, employee specific salary details, disciplinary records, sickness records and the like by virtue of being personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998
5. Planning Documents
Responses to planning applications – limited to the last two years
Exclusions – Copies of planning consultations, the Development Plan, Structure Plan, Local Plan and Rights of Way/Footpath maps all of which are available from the local planning and/or highway authority respectively.
6. Audit and Accounts
Annual Return Form – limited to the last financial year
Annual Statutory report by auditor (internal and external) limited to the last financial year
Receipt/Payment books, Receipt books of all kinds, Bank Statements from all accounts – limited to the last financial year
Precept request – limited to the last financial year
VAT records – limited to the last financial year
Financial Standing Orders and Regulations
Assets register – Council assets over £1,000 in value
Risks Assessments
7. Health & Safety
Accident Book
ROSPA annual inspections – limited to the last three years
Risk Assessments