Letter accompanying the housing needs survey
Every household should receive a Housing Needs Survey by Sun 1st Feb. These need to be completed and sent to the RCCE at Feering by 16th Feb. The letter below will accompany the survey.
Hatfield Peverel Neighbourhood Development Plan
Housing Needs for Local People in Hatfield Peverel and Nounsley
Hatfield Peverel Parish Council is taking the opportunity NOW to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan that focuses on the needs of our Parish. Input from the whole community is essential to ensure that the Neighbourhood Development Plan accounts for all our local needs. When the Plan is made it will become a legal document, and will be used to determine planning applications by both Braintree District Council and the Parish Council.
We are working with the Rural Housing Enabler, Moira Groborz, from the Rural Community Council of Essex, a registered charity established for over 80 years, in undertaking a Housing Needs Survey to help provide evidence for our Plan.
From your responses it will be possible to find what level of need there is for the different types of housing in our community. We can then use this information to help influence future development through the policies of our Neighbourhood Development Plan.
This is an important survey for our community and would ask you please to spare a few minutes to complete the enclosed form and then return in the Freepost envelope provided by 16 February 2015
Please be assured that the Housing Enabler will treat your response in strict confidence and the Steering Group/Parish Council will be provided with a summary report but will not see the completed forms nor be made aware of any personal details.
To clarify the term Affordable Housing referred to in the survey has the following meaning:
“Housing for sale or rent at below market prices (subsidised) such as social rented housing, or low cost home ownership schemes where housing will remain affordable for the future”
If you have any questions about completing the survey or require additional forms please contact Moira Groborz on 01376 574330 or moira.grobroz@essexrcc.org.uk.