Local Information and Contacts

This is a list of various organisations in the area with their respective website links or contact details. Note that we take no responsibility for the content of external websites.

Please contact the Parish Clerk if the information needs changing, or adding to.

Age Concern Essex 

Anglian Water

Braintree District Council

Essex County Council HIGHWAYS RELATED FAULT reporting

BT Fault line 0800 800151


St Andrew’s (C of E)
Methodist Church
Salvation Army
Catholic Church, Witham


Citizens Advice Bureau Witham

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance

Essex Wellbeing Service

Doctors and health services

Sidney House & The Laurels Surgery
NHS Services

Pharmacy, Hadfelda Square

Electricity - emergency 0800 7838838 or 01243 508838 for mobile users

Essex County Council
Essex & Suffolk Water
Gas - emergency 0800 111999

Harlequin Children's Centre

Hatfield Peverel Feoffees Charity c/o Quince Lodge, The Street, Hat Pev., CM3 2DY

Hatfield Peverel Footpath Warden: footpaths@hatfieldpeverelpc.com

Helen Rollason charity

Holdfast Credit Union

St Peter’s, Maldon


Hatfield Peverel



Local Bus & Travel information

Museum of Power

Neighbourhood Watch Type in your postcode for further information.



POLICE (Witham South)

Non emergency: 

Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service on 18001 101.

Post Office Finder
Hatfield Peverel Post Office

St Andrew’s Junior School
Hatfield Peverel Infant School

Village Hall.  For bookings contact Allan - hpcabookings@gmail.com or 01245 381481



Witham Youth Centre

Workers' Educational Association (WEA)

Youth Service


For village information on local amenities see the map below: