Our Wildlife Champion, Donna Goddard, has provided this useful map of the village to show local dog waste bins, playgrounds and other amenities (click the top right broken square to enlarge):
The Parish Council is working on creating a Community Park in Hatfield Peverel. If you are interested in getting involved with the project and would like to join the Community Park Working Party, please contact the Clerk.
Work has begun on the Strutt Memorial Recreation Ground Project. This includes a refurbishment of the infant play area, an additional piece of equipment for the junior play area and an outdoor gym. The gym equipment must be at least 25 metres from the nearest play equipment, but there will be a footpath installed to support access from the current path and car park.
In 2024, we hope to provide the community with a double tennis court (this will be sited next to the outdoor gym) and improvements to the Nounsley Play Area.
Your patience while works are carried out is much appreciated. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Clerk on 01245 382865 or email on parishclerk@hatfieldpeverelpc.com